Spirituality 101 Report: The Path (Part 3)

Continuing on our path in life, the road to enlightenment also takes discipline and patience. Discipline is required to tune out the obvious physical world. Man-made distractions are designed by Satan to take you away from the edifying things in life such as connectivity, love, and truth. Patience is required to allow the magic happen in God’s time. God decides when the magic happens; we just need to show up, work hard, watch, and wait.

When looking deeper inside yourself, are you in touch with the spirit? Do you listen to your intuitive self? Or have you tuned the spirit’s volume down so low, you cannot hear it anymore?

Disciplining the mind is a useful and necessary tool in spirituality. The easiest way to tune into and “tune up” the spirit is through the Chakras. The Chakras allow balance within the spirit, and they also assist in balancing the physical body as well. One Chakra cannot be over/under-active without a residual effect. For example, if your heart chakra is overactive and your third eye chakra is insufficient, you can readily see the damage in the deficit. We all need to have our third eye open to see truth and have clarity. Learning to tune and balance the chakras takes patience and time. God allows us to have the clarity if we seek it. If you’re not familiar with the chakras, they are energy points within the body that allow energy to flow through the vessel that is your body. The particular points have specific roles in keeping the spirit in tune with the physical body. The root chakra, for example, is responsible for grounding and centering. The sacral chakra is linked with your sexual self, and the heart chakra keeps the spirit and physical body in tune with the the way we give and receive love. Each individual point adds up to a greater whole to balance the entire body. If one were to test the balance of all the points one would need to meditate. In this meditation, one would focus on each point by the color that is designated. When focusing on each individual color, visions should come through. The imagery gives an indication of where the spirit is in correlation with that individual point. Patience is extremely important when working to balance these points because it does take time to master this exercise. God then gives elevations of consciousness when we have balanced the chakras. The elevation of consciousness allows us to astral travel to other points in the universe. So in this quiet time of self-reflection, are you willing to work to get onto your path? Are you willing to do the work it takes to journey on the road to enlightenment? When you commit to God, you will see the path illuminated. The road of life becomes less scary, and that is when the real miracles take flight.

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